Wednesday 9 November 2011

Trip to Sidi Bouzid

I finally went to visit Sidi Bouzid. It is a city in the central Tunisia, from which revolution have started. Although the feelings are divided on the subject of Mohamed Bouazizi, some consider him a hero, some are seeing him as a guy whose ego was hurt by the fact that a woman slapped him on the street, some say he was drunk, some say he was a good boy trying to support his family. I didn't know him so I can't really say which story is true, what kind of a guy he was, and what was his motive to set himself on fire on the December 17th . But the fact is, weather it was his intention or not, in a way he moved Tunisians to get out on the street and ask for a better future. They were on the street for different reasons, as my friend D'ali would explain. People in the central and south Tunisia were protesting about poverty and unbearable life conditions, whereas people in the capital were asking for the right to express themselves, to read, to talk, to share ideas, and to work without the fear of being arrested or hurt for having a different opinion of those in power.

We have visited the building of the national guard that has been burned to the ground, the place where Bouazizi burned himself, and his house. We had the close encounter with one of the neighbors which claims that journalist have been and still continue to, rob her house when they visit the Bouazizi family. The true story is a bit more realistic, she is simply jealous of her neighbors because they are getting so much attention and journalists are always coming to them. So she just got home when we were there and she started screaming for us to leave, that she can't live like this, that they always steal from her... bla bla bla... seriously???

By now you are probably wondering why there is only one picture when I always have a lot of them on my posts, well since the wake up was at 6.30 and I went to bed around 4 the previous night, I forgot my camera :/ It was hard enough to think about how to walk and get myself to the bus, so there was no place in my head for any accessories :)

All in all it was a very nice road trip and I'm happy that I met yet another part of this beautiful country :)