Sunday 27 March 2011


February and March were months of big changes in my Tunisian life. At first I was a bit scared and didn't know what will happen, but it turned out to be quite awesome :)

I changed my internship and my new job is great. For the first time I can say that I really have a lot of work and that I'm learning a lot. My new company is Integration Objects and their core work is something completely different from anything I've done so far. My new colleagues are great, we are going in the gym after work twice a week (one of the benefits of working for my company is a free gym), we started salsa classes and generally we have a lot of fun :)

Also, Julia decided to go back home in April, so me and Mouna are currently looking for a new roommate (if you know anyone that is looking for an apartment in Tunis and wants to live with 2 awesome girls let me know). In any case, cross your fingers for us :)

Most of you know, or at least should know, that I celebrated my 20something birthday in February. We had a nice dinner at my place (I cooked) and although one piece of meet was not cooked properly, it ended up on my plate so no damage was done :P Guys made sure we had an awesome desert too, they brought a delicious cake (they forgot to get candles but as usual they managed, with matches :))

Upcoming weekend we went to the pub again, and they say that a picture is worth 1000 words, so I'm leaving it for your interpretation

For the end of this post I just have one message: Ivica KRALJ!!!! :)))

p.s. for my non Croatian speaking friends - hint: google translate :P