Saturday 5 February 2011

Little bit about my work

Since things are getting back to normal here and I've been working in Batouta Voyages for 3 months now, I think it's about time for me to write a little bit about what I do and to introduce you to the people I work with. So, Batouta Voyages is a travel agency (like no one knew that until now :p). It is a medium size company operated from 2 offices in Tunis, I call them big office and small office (aren't I creative, OMG). I work in a small office, which is totally awesome because:

1. It is much closer to my apartment and there are no traffic jams on the way to work, which means i need between 10 - 15 min to get to work and people who know me, know what that means for me cause I loooove to sleep

2. There is only 3 of us in the office and there is only one room in which we work, so it is a very nice homey atmosphere and there is no office gossip, well at least not that I know of, most of times I can't really understand what the two of them are talking about :)

And now, getting to know Batouta Voyages small office staff; Sarra is the executive director of our office but she is more like our Mom and Sana is ticketing and reservation responsible, she is a shy nice girl at the first sight but when you get to know her then you realize she's a crazy little girl with good sense of humor. Our big boss (who we call Shacho) visits us from time to time to make sure we are ok and to give us some inputs and suggestions.

My main responsibility is MICE department (meetings, incentives, conferences, events), other then that I'm working on outgoing travel (mostly honeymoon requests) and marketing (taking care of our awesome new web page, Facebook profile and Twitter profile, so if you still didn't add Batouta Voyages as your friend do it NOW!) :) The added value of my job is getting to know Tunisia and it's culture and history, which is by the way totally awesome!!!

I know, I know all this sounds too good to be true and as any work it's not always purple and perfect. There are days when I don't feel like getting up from the bed and going to work (and it's mostly Saturdays that I feel like that, cause yes I work half time on Saturdays) but mostly it is a very nice place to work at :)

For the end a little bit of marketing for Tunisia, here is an open invitation for all my friends back home to visit me in Tunisia, maybe not in the next month or two, but I'm pretty sure that very soon Tunisia will be back on track. At least you guys should know how hard it is to get back the tourists after situation like this. To start with, my parents are coming on 8th of March for a visit (tickets are already booked) and they will probably be the first Croatians to visit since at the moment I'm the only Croatian here :) crazy family, ha?

Next time I will do my leftovers and write about fun time I had here for Christmas and New Years :)


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