Thursday 14 October 2010


It's 12 days before I leave for my one and a half year internship in Tunisia and I officially started to prepare for it. One week ago I bought my ticket and 2 days ago I bought a bag. Excited as I am, I decided to start packing, but 2 kg of Cedevita and 0,5 kg of Vegeta are still the only things in my bag. Why? I’ve travelled a lot in my life, but I was never going somewhere for such a long period and the question I need the answer to is: How do I pack for 1 year of life in 1 bag? So as I sit on my bed looking at my brand new, red, empty bag it’s starting to hit me – I’m leaving Zagreb for a long time. And as much as I'm excited that I'm going there, I'm starting to realize I'm really going to miss some people. Luckily I don't have too much time to think about it, because together with all the things I have to manage before I leave, I'm still working every day which makes me kind of busy all the time.

On the other side preparations in Tunis are going well. I heard that reception coordinator will pick me up on the airport and that he doesn't really speak English so well, I guess we'll manage somehow :) My future roommates found a great apartment and they will let me know today the date of moving in :)

I'm going to finish this first post with a quote of Denis Waitley that reminded me of Tunis instantly :)

"Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be suprised."

1 comment:

  1. Hey, take it easy :)
    what ever you put in your bag will be good and useful ;) put some clothes you love and keep in mind that it's not that expensive to buy things here. As for reception and similar stuff, do you really need that ? :p you know the country enough to manage by your self and you have a lot of friends over here to override any difficulties ;)

    waiting to meet you again
