Monday 25 October 2010

Goodbye Croatia

Saying goodbye to friends and family is never easy... as expected there were some tears and sad faces but also a crazy party and planning of some awesome visits :)

It all started with THE Party on Saturday in my weekend house. It was my goodbye party mashed up with 2 birthday parties, Bonny and Fićo once more, Happy Birthday! We had some parties there over the years and it never went without the damage so I was kind of prepared for it. However, I could have never imagined that my dear friend Fićo would bring Drinkopoly....

So can you imagine what happens when people start to play this game at 11 am? Before having a lunch.... If you think you can, you're wrong! The result of it was a broken toilet, a broken chair and couple of almost clinically dead people at 1 pm! Other then that it was a pretty much awesome party :) and I'm really going to miss my crazy friends. Here is a glimpse of how it was like on the party...

As I already mentioned, it started pretty early, we gathered around 11. Boys hit the game right away and well... you know how that ended up :P After two rounds of the game (I know only for two, but there might have been more) they decided to start preparing the barbecue, hm... But then the girls went mad. As soon as the game was free from the boys, they hit it on as well. But this was something different, something you can't see every day...

It was a crazy house and it was still morning! Then I saw my dog laying in a corner and since he's the only full time resident of that house, well I guess it was not very easy for him to see all that...

Anyway, to cut the story short, people got "happy" very fast, barbecue was great, there were some cool conversations, there was a lot of dancing and singing, chicha and some Tunisian food, couple of tears and a lot a lot of fun.

After a weekend of recovery it was time for me to finish up everything here and spend some time with my family. My mum is quite emotional (like all mums I guess) so it was not easy at all having with her even random conversations.

The time for me to leave was approaching and my feelings were really mixed. I was looking forward to meeting my Tunisian friends again but I also started to realize how much I'm going to miss my friends and family back home. So I just want to remind my Croatians that a lot of them promised to visit me and I'm expecting you to do so ;)

Yesterday I arrived in Monastir and I want to thank again the guys for picking me up. I had a really long but funny ride to Tunis :) and arrived to Yosra's place again :)
I'm in the cafe now, having my first direct with my dear friend Wael and looking for an apartment to rent. Tomorrow I will go to my company to meet the people I'll be working with for the next year and a half so I'll keep you updated...

Bisoux :*


  1. Heheheheheheh...Totally reminds me on my Goodbye before leaving to Tunis...We r totally sorry we missed your party, but soon we'll make up for it..back to the "crime scene" :))
    Take care and have a loooot of fun and say hi to everyone ;)
    Bisous :*

  2. Well, there's going to be one Croatian girl on your "Welcome party" :))

  3. Cant wait for your welcome party :) :)

  4. Hi Ivana you can now buy the english version of Drinkopoly(R) at
